We can't live life with zero stress, there should always be a certain amount or level of stress necessary for the body to function properly. Stress is a kind of emotion informing us that a part or parts of our body is /are overworked. And this, should lead us to be attentive to its cause, so we can act and do something about it.
A lot of things caused us to feel stressed. Some of these stress causing stuff have to do with our desires, ambitions, etc. They give us frustrations since they are elusive sometimes. Basically, we can counteract this by living life with fewer and humbler set of goals, it can offer less stress than those highly motivated people burdened with lofty endeavors.
We can minimize stress by adopting a certain method of relaxation to usher in calmness in our being. By the time it is already fully incorporated in our lives, we can just glide smoothly even in the most torturous of circumstances.
The first time I experienced the astonishing effects Relaxation has on the body – I just almost couldn't believe what was happening. That was the time when my job requires me to lift very heavy objects that would normally send me dead-tired, exhausted, and pain-stricken with muscle pain that I couldn't almost move any part of my body without feeling that excruciating pain days afterward. However, when I was already into relaxation techniques, I felt fine and almost without muscle pain. There was only that pulsating electricity-like sensation running through my veins. One word can best describe my experience – unbelievable. There's no mistake, at that time, again I stumbled into something new and strange. This is so, since when the mind is relaxed – the whole body does the same.
(Experiment on muscle relaxation)
It's about 3 years since my 1st experience with muscle pain and relaxation. At the moment, I have a pretty exciting idea – I want to demonstrate this fantastic capability of the body to sooth muscle tensions through relaxation in the presence of researchers and investigators of this field. I believed that if my body had responded positively to relaxation, as I was working, I am convinced too that I can also do it in a pre-arranged environment under observation.
Soon, I will be sending proposal around the globe. I will take the challenge to demonstrate, for this is a very important study: Relaxation is the key to happiness, abundance, and a longer life.
CLICK HERE to learn about my projects like Art exhibit, Lectures, Radio program, etc.
"Peace of Mind"
related topics: Tranquility -- my first encounter
Peace of mind? I just stumble on it
Book writing: triumph despite the odds
Daring thoughts streams in

I always heard about Peace of Mind, but I never knew exactly what those words really meant until the day I experienced that Ultimate Peace of Mind. Then, to my amazement, I started delving into uncharted territories as daring projects, which I wouldn't have dared to tackle before, emerged from nowhere like book writing, paintings, website, blogs, etc. At first, I was intimidated since I am not trained to do these things, but, then, I just found out that I could.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
(poem composed by Anselmo Malugao)
Things invisible inhabited the land here
and the land over there, and in everywhere
whoever never never care, if they are here or they are there
they never will know, when they are here and they are there.
Streams of wavy things penetrates everything
flowing like wind, here there and in everywhere
intangible, but perceived by the mind
they roam around, seldom care where they are.
Asking so many questions along the way
what is this, what is that
could it be this, and could it be that.
Oh! Sometimes, I want them to stop
lest they would uncover the rotten track.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My Paintings
Truly, it is a surprise for me to find myself engage in painting. In my art exhibit at home, I had this message posted :
“Ever since childhood, I am always been fascinated with various things like space exploration, electronics, and other fields of science. These subjects never fail to ignite my imagination of the wonders of the universe. But it didn’t occur to me that I would be overwhelmed with emotion with just a simple act of paintig from inspiration. This is my first time to paint on my own, and it shocked me to see my brush creates something interesting that, afterwards, I couldn’t help but stare at them with awe and appreciation.”
I feel having more freedom painting using a brush than using my old and simple computer graphics software such as Microsoft Paint.
My paintings done in colored pencils are more detailed than those created in Microsoft Paint. I am just waiting to have a digital camera so I can upload them. I have tried painting using flat Latex paints, the one used to paint houses, and they looked fine too.
My next project is to paint using oil pastels and acrylic paints on quality materials such as a good canvas, etc.
My other projects aside from my art exhibit at home are: Radio program, in the AM band; Motivational lectures; (click here to see the details of my projects); and, of course, Blogs and Website.
I had suffered lots of failures in my life, because of it I was lost and lived life with no direction at all. Now that I found that elusive peace of mind, it gave me direction -- a second chance to plan anew and savor life once again - and, it’s great!
By the way, I called most of my paintings “Translating Vague Images,” since they are not pre-conceived ideas - I worked on them as I saw them appeared on the surface.
Related topics: My projects
Art exhibit
The book
Invitation to researchers (experiment on muscle...)
Monday, September 7, 2009
My experimental website
My experimental website, AHE -- Amazing Human Energy, is not yet fully functioning; you can either use it or not at all depending on the browser you are using. I will be working on its improvement, whenever I have the means. For the moment this is just the best I could do. I stopped working on this website for almost a year already; I am very glad the host site has not cut it off yet. Click here to view my experimental website.
The time I studied website programming by myself, I had really no clear idea what I would do with it. The fact that I had no computer could have deterred me, though, it was not the case. My interest in web programming doesn't make sense at that time, for I am just an unskilled laborer. Well, it turned out, I was pursuing what was in my head -- propelled by intuition and desire. Months later, I found myself in a new endeavor, because in those days, I was mainly obsessed with the study of the French language.
The topics of my website are mostly serious and dealt with my personal experiences.To make people laugh, I also inserted a section for jokes. However, even if you don't like and don't agree with what I am saying, but I am sure you will be interested to know what a business tycoon had said about the secret of his success, which I got, not through an interview of course, but by just strolling around. Click here to see the page.
ATTENTION! Soon, I will share with you a short story I wrote for a television program, hoping that my book will get attention, but failed to impressed them. It's originally written in Pilipino. I entitled it "Mumunting himala sa San Diego Drive. An English translation of it will also be published here.
The reason why I am sharing this work, is that, any hard-earned work either failure or success has its own place of recognition. In this point of my life, I am faced with choices of whether I would embrace the lessons life has offered to me and succeed, or not and deteriorate.
My decision is to learn what life has imparted to me. To know what these lessons-- everyday I have to set aside moments of stillness to open my mind with new insights and to gain better view of my life.
I know I am still at the entrance, and because of it, I am quite delighted that I have still many things to learn and discover along the way, which I could pass on to others.
The time I studied website programming by myself, I had really no clear idea what I would do with it. The fact that I had no computer could have deterred me, though, it was not the case. My interest in web programming doesn't make sense at that time, for I am just an unskilled laborer. Well, it turned out, I was pursuing what was in my head -- propelled by intuition and desire. Months later, I found myself in a new endeavor, because in those days, I was mainly obsessed with the study of the French language.
The topics of my website are mostly serious and dealt with my personal experiences.To make people laugh, I also inserted a section for jokes. However, even if you don't like and don't agree with what I am saying, but I am sure you will be interested to know what a business tycoon had said about the secret of his success, which I got, not through an interview of course, but by just strolling around. Click here to see the page.
ATTENTION! Soon, I will share with you a short story I wrote for a television program, hoping that my book will get attention, but failed to impressed them. It's originally written in Pilipino. I entitled it "Mumunting himala sa San Diego Drive. An English translation of it will also be published here.
As I promised you can now view the story entitled "Mumunting Himala sa San Diego Drive."
The reason why I am sharing this work, is that, any hard-earned work either failure or success has its own place of recognition. In this point of my life, I am faced with choices of whether I would embrace the lessons life has offered to me and succeed, or not and deteriorate.
My decision is to learn what life has imparted to me. To know what these lessons-- everyday I have to set aside moments of stillness to open my mind with new insights and to gain better view of my life.
I know I am still at the entrance, and because of it, I am quite delighted that I have still many things to learn and discover along the way, which I could pass on to others.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The book
I am truly very happy that I wrote a book -- though I was tortured, bodily and mentally with hunger during the making. Now, I can shout hurrah! Because the work has been done already.
By writing the book, I began to see what I called "small miracles" in my life. It even paved the way for other projects that I never realized I would undertake; opening up new horizon for self-discovery and opportunities. Even though the book is still awaiting publication, but I considered it as an accomplishment already -- and, a great one. Personally, I don't have the means to write and finish it; now that the book has finally come into existence, I won't boast that its actually my sole knowledge, ingenuity, and stamina that made it happen. I believed there is something behind this -- a call.
The book contains my personal account leading to my rare journey to self-discovery: My experience of extreme peace of mind -- a condition I couldn't find any place I would go; possible through the use of a very simple method which I called "TMSHE," Therapeutic Mind Stimulation of the Human Energy. Included, of course, is the detailed explaination of the method itself. Helpful topics are included too to insure success.
I had been trying several titles for the book until, finally, I came up with "from Darkness to the Light," which I finally settled with, for it discribed perfectly my life. My book can be summarized like this: goal nearly achieved -- a series of almost unending failures -- lost of hope -- research and self-experiment -- discovery -- new hope and happiness -- success. No need to say, the book is valuable to everybody. And I am calling publishers out there to please have a look into my work.
By writing the book, I began to see what I called "small miracles" in my life. It even paved the way for other projects that I never realized I would undertake; opening up new horizon for self-discovery and opportunities. Even though the book is still awaiting publication, but I considered it as an accomplishment already -- and, a great one. Personally, I don't have the means to write and finish it; now that the book has finally come into existence, I won't boast that its actually my sole knowledge, ingenuity, and stamina that made it happen. I believed there is something behind this -- a call.
The book contains my personal account leading to my rare journey to self-discovery: My experience of extreme peace of mind -- a condition I couldn't find any place I would go; possible through the use of a very simple method which I called "TMSHE," Therapeutic Mind Stimulation of the Human Energy. Included, of course, is the detailed explaination of the method itself. Helpful topics are included too to insure success.
I had been trying several titles for the book until, finally, I came up with "from Darkness to the Light," which I finally settled with, for it discribed perfectly my life. My book can be summarized like this: goal nearly achieved -- a series of almost unending failures -- lost of hope -- research and self-experiment -- discovery -- new hope and happiness -- success. No need to say, the book is valuable to everybody. And I am calling publishers out there to please have a look into my work.
One demonstration that I worked very, very hard to let others know about my book is the creation of my first parked website, even if I don't have Internet connection. The website is done from scratch (not using templates) aided with a free HTML editor. The pages looked fine in my old computer's browser; though, when viewed using newer versions of Internet Explorer, the texts are scattered and look ugly. Worst, in Mozilla Firefox, the pages are rendered almost unusable. Even if this is the case, this experimental website is already a monument to my desire to reach the public and gather funds.
To do something needs the know-how, and I am willing to undergo the process of acquiring the skill needed if given the chance. Click here to view my site.
Related topics: My projects
Art exhibit
My Paintings
Invitation to researchers (experiment on muscle...)
internet explorer,
mozilla firefox,
My Projects
1. Art exhibit:
At first, the title of my Art Exhibit is "Facing my Nightmare." The reason, is that , once in my life, I was so scared to face and even remember my failures. However, now that I have a better way to achieve peace of mind, once in a while, I have now better control of my emotions, giving me endurance, patience, vigor, determination and protection from the distructive effects of embarrassing situations.
At first, the title of my Art Exhibit is "Facing my Nightmare." The reason, is that , once in my life, I was so scared to face and even remember my failures. However, now that I have a better way to achieve peace of mind, once in a while, I have now better control of my emotions, giving me endurance, patience, vigor, determination and protection from the distructive effects of embarrassing situations.
What I have told you is not a mere theory -- I have tested it myself already when I was in precarious circumstances. In my effort to promote my projects, I have gone to many offices already, and sometimes I didn't find my situation easy at all. There were times that I blushed but, just a little, that I can easily recover my composure in a few seconds.
I know my life well. And I admit, I had a problem with my behavior before -- because, I could get easily upset when things go awry, which only ruined my plans, but I just didn't care. This kind of behavior is not easy to handle with, hence, I was exhausted.
Thanks to the heavens that I now know the difference between a troubled mind and a peaceful one, and their emmediate effects. I think I am now developing a positive behavior called, "Self-confidence." Appearing in front of an audience is not easy to many. But, astonishingly, I am now determined to dare plunged myself into it, and see what's the result, but I know of course that I am capable of doing this, because I have very important messageto tell.
2. Lectures:
I am now accepting invitation as a motivational speaker for a donation. Anybody who is interested with my service can email me.
Also, presently, I am also looking for sponsors on my planned Radio Program. I need at least five sponsors so it won't cost a lot. The said program will be initially aired once a week. Donations must not be less than 350 pesos a week to finance other expenses. I will advertize the sponsor's business twice, at the start of the program and just before it ends. Interested party can reach me through my email. If possible, I want to meet my sponsors in person.
3.Radio Program:
3.Radio Program:
My radio program (AM band) will discuss on
a) human behavior, especially in times of crisis, and how to cope with them.
b) Motivational Techniques, taken from selected biographical stories.
c) the study of human bodily functions that affects our behavior.
d) different ways to relaxation.
4. Publication of my Book:
5. Invitation to researchers (Experiment on muscle relaxation):
6. Blogs and Website:
My blogs are not yet fully organized but I am, little-by-little, continually working on that.
About my website, presently, I have a parked website which I made a long time ago, the problem, it's not working well; anyway, you can try it. A new one will be constructed soon.
Related topics: Art exhibit
My Paintings
The book
Invitation to researchers (experiment on muscle...)
4. Publication of my Book:
5. Invitation to researchers (Experiment on muscle relaxation):
6. Blogs and Website:
My blogs are not yet fully organized but I am, little-by-little, continually working on that.
About my website, presently, I have a parked website which I made a long time ago, the problem, it's not working well; anyway, you can try it. A new one will be constructed soon.
Related topics: Art exhibit
My Paintings
The book
Invitation to researchers (experiment on muscle...)
peace of mind,
radio program,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
How I got started blogging
I am encouraged to start blogging when I heard a DJ told the story, taken from the enternet, of an Anthropologist (if I'm not mistaken) who turned himself into a hermit, living in a cave, and in a come-what-may existence. The DJs themselves were wondering how it could be possible for him to have free access on the enternet without money. Their guess was that, it might be through public libraries. Then it dawn on me, if it's possible in other countries, it might be possible here in the Philippines too. So, the next day I was already on the search.
free access,
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