Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mystery River

Mystery River
Originally uploaded by anselmo B. malugao

From an idea, I proceeded to shape something into a painting, but it just didn't work - so I just let my intuition drive my hand instead that formed random shapes that eventually yielded to the painting above. Beautiful! Isn't it? - a surreal painting. Had I succeeded with my imagined form, my painting could never be imbued with a mysterious effect as it is now. Now, this has resemblance with my life; since before, I tried to steer it the way I wanted it to be. Unfortunately, the tremendous effort I put into it just didn't work. Out of desperation, I gave up my ambition -- and all my dreams. And from then on, I let my life to be entirely driven with the circumstances - without aim. Unbelievably, the result was astonishing - because I had found instead what I am looking for to make my life happy, which is the key to success. This is my little secret. I truly trust that "This is it."

I am 42 years old now, but never before have I felt the vigor and enthusiasm in my life. And never before have I pursued my plans with unrelenting determination towards its accomplishment. Normally, it shouldn't be like this; for, in my age it would be unlikely to feel these positive treats I am experiencing now. Though in the contrary, instead of doubts, which would likely take root, I am spirited instead beyond my wildest dream for achievements. Right within me, I feel a surge of courage that dominates my being that stopping is impossible - I have to go on. This is what I feel.

And you know what! Life can be a wonderful experience for you by simply going with the flow of events wholeheartedly; for, it offers you a smooth path to thread on. This is it, mainly, because there's Peace Within You. I am also incorporating the same method into my life. As always, I am dedicating myself to the acquiring of knowledge in various ways; but there's just one single trick I found that triggers all the positive aspects of behavior to surface - and this is amazing. This I want to prove. And because I have just set myself high goals to work on - my success will only prove that my little secret has worked.

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